

Heritage and Commercial Projects Win at Colour Awards

Resene Colour Awards 2017

Acland House and Hills Road Dairy won accolades at the New Zealand Resene Total Colour Awards.

Dalman Architects were the only architects to be presented with two category awards.

Acland House was the Hertiage Category Total Colour Award winner. The judges said “This project is a grand building handled with confidence and beauty. The colours are empathetic to the architecture, yet still appealing to the students that use the space so that they too appreciate that heritage is worth saving. The restrained colour palette is thoughtful and respectful of the building, which deserves survival.”

Hills Road Dairy took out the Commercial Exterior Colour Maestro Award. “Who would think a dairy could look like this? It takes a brave team to ignore the norm and create something unique. Moving away from the sombre colours and wall-to-wall advertising usually seen on dairies, this project is inspired from the inside out. Bright, bold and irrepressively cheerful jellybean colours are introduced in a blocked Mondrian way.”